We are excited to announce the evolution of Bankstown Central – and delighted to share our vision for its future redevelopment to revitalise the heart of Bankstown’s CBD and transform the town centre into a vibrant urban neighbourhood to live, work, shop, dine and stay.
The Masterplan went on Public Exhibition late last year, however the masterplan has since progressed and is now being considered as part of the State Government’s Transport Oriented Development (TOD) process along with Council’s broader Bankstown CBD masterplan, with the TOD now on public exhibition from 16 July 2024 to 16 August 2024. What is proposed to be delivered under the masterplan remains largely unchanged.
In December 2019, we lodged a Planning Proposal with Canterbury Bankstown City Council, which seeks approval for an increase in the allowable height across the site. If approved, this will unlock approximately 300,000sqm of new development floorspace across up to 19 individual buildings all while retaining and improving the existing retail centre. Whilst the masterplan is indicative at this stage, the current vision includes:
To be delivered in stages over the next three decades, it is estimated that the masterplan will provide an additional population of 10,370 residents, visitors, and workers to Bankstown Central and the Bankstown CBD.
We are seeking approval for the Planning Proposal and proposed masterplan through Canterbury Bankstown City Council and the NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment and are committed to engaging with the Bankstown community throughout the process.
The Masterplan went on Public Exhibition last year from Wednesday 26 July 2023 and closed 8 September 2023 and a second Public Exhibition period for the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement occurred 15 November and closes 13 December 2023.
The masterplan has since progressed and is now being considered as part of the State Government’s Transport Oriented Development (TOD) process along with Council’s broader Bankstown CBD masterplan, with the TOD now on public exhibition from 16 July 2024 to 16 August 2024.
To find out more and to have your say go to: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/draftplans/exhibition/bankstown-tod-rezoning-proposal
Our masterplan vision is to revitalise the heart of Bankstown’s CBD and transform the existing shopping centre into a vibrant urban neighbourhood to live, work, shop, dine and stay.
With our retail-centre at the core, bringing our vision to life will create a mix of workplace, residential, short term and student accommodation, childcare facilities, and public open spaces to serve the growing needs of Sydney’s south-west for decades to come.
The masterplan takes advantage of Bankstown Central’s connectivity to current and future public transport networks with a new major bus interchange on site, Bankstown train station next door and the future T3 metro station just 100 metres away.
It builds on Bankstown’s future growth as an education and health hub with Western Sydney University’s new vertical campus also just 100 metres away and construction for the new Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital driving an increase in health-related services providers.
With growing consumer preferences for hyper-local living and a desire to live, work, shop, dine and stay closer to home, our masterplan also leverages the proximity to the popular Paul Keating Park and just a stone’s throw away from Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre.Â
To be delivered in stages, the masterplan will provide an estimated additional population of 10,370 residents, visitors, and workers to Bankstown Central and CBD.
In November 2022, we celebrated an exciting milestone in the first steps towards Bankstown Central’s transformation, with the redevelopment and upgrades to the retail centre including:
In 2021, plans for the first stage of mixed-use development, Bankstown Exchange, received Development Approved by Canterbury Bankstown Council and includes:
Bankstown Exchange forms part of Vicinity and Elanor Investor's mixed-use development strategy to transform Bankstown Central into a vibrant mixed-use neighbourhood. Construction commencement is subject to a tenant pre-commitment. For further details on this project please visit www.bankstownexchange.com.au
In December 2019, Vicinity lodged a Planning Proposal with Canterbury Bankstown City Council to enable delivery of the Bankstown Central Masterplan. The Planning Proposal seeks to retain the existing mixed-use zoning and site density provisions, albeit with a modest increase, by increasing the allowable height across the site and imposing site-specific setback controls. I
If approved, the Planning Proposal will unlock approximately 300,000sqm of new development floorspace across up to 19 individual buildings and include potential for new retail, residential, commercial office, co-working, short term accommodation, student accommodation, health and education uses. It includes the creation of new community connections and publicly accessible outdoor spaces.
The Planning Proposal is accompanied by a detailed indicative concept masterplan based on the vision for Bankstown Central, a development control plan and an indicative staging plan that allows a staged redevelopment of the shopping centre so that it can continue to function and provide key community services whilst parts of the land are developed and revitalised.
The Concept Masterplan included in the Planning Proposal contemplates:
The Planning Proposal for primarily increased building height will help realise a range of benefits to the Bankstown CBD and local community. These are as follows:
The Planning Proposal is seeking a height limit of between 35m – 86m. This equates to buildings ranging in size, between 8 and 26 storeys in height.
The building heights proposed in the concept informing the Planning Proposal are tallest close to the metro station location, and taper to the north and east in a manner consistent with Council’s broader Bankstown CBD Masterplan principles.
The New South Wales Government’s South District Plan 2018 identifies Bankstown CBD as a potential Collaboration Area indicating a transformation of the city centre to accommodate more local, knowledge-intensive jobs. The South District Plan sets a target of between 17,000 and 25,000 jobs in the Bankstown Strategic Centre by 2036.
The proposed Bankstown Central Masterplan could accommodate 6,257 additional jobs, including office, retail, childcare, food and accommodation. This would contribute a substantial 37% of the South District Plan’s job target for Bankstown Strategic Centre to 2036 and will attract new residents to the area and support the evolution of Bankstown CBD as a potential Collaboration Area.
We are currently seeking approval for changes to the existing planning framework including increased height and density across the site. Future development under the new planning framework will be subject to individual Development Applications. Further consultation and approval before construction can commence will take place.
The Planning Proposal received unanimous endorsement by Canterbury Bankstown City Council on the 26 April 2022, followed by Gateway Determination by the NSW Department of Planning & Environment on 28 October 2022.
The Planning Proposal went on Public Exhibition last year from Wednesday 26 July 2023 and closed 8 September 2023. A second Public Exhibition period for the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement occurred 15 November and closes 13 December 2023.
The masterplan has since progressed and is now being considered as part of the State Government’s Transport Oriented Development (TOD) process along with Council’s broader Bankstown CBD masterplan, with the TOD now on public exhibition from 16 July 2024 to 16 August 2024.
To find out more and to have your say go to: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/draftplans/exhibition/bankstown-tod-rezoning-proposal
It is anticipated the Planning Proposal may achieve final Gazettal/approval by the State Government in late  2024.
Once approved the Concept Masterplan will be used as a guide to future uses, development and any subdivision of the land on the site of Bankstown Central. Future development under the planning framework will be subject to Development Applications, consultation and approval.
As property owners and operators, Vicinity is committed to be an ongoing part of the Bankstown Central community and has committed to providing the following community benefits in its Planning Agreement:
Vicinity has committed to delivering a high standard of sustainability initiatives across the Bankstown Central masterplan including:
The Bankstown Central Planning Proposal can provide greater housing variety for the local community with the potential for residential apartments and student housing, which would increase housing availability and choice within the area. Increasing apartment provision diversifies the housing mix in Canterbury-Bankstown and the range of price point options available to residents.
Vicinity seeks to typically provide residential accommodation in a leasehold arrangement, such as Build to Rent, which will further diversify the residential accommodation offer on the site and in the locality.
The Bankstown Central site already supports high development density due to its proximity to public transport options, including the existing heavy rail and new Metro station, access to established services and capacity of the surrounding road network and nearby complementary land uses.
Demand for new, quality residential projects in Sydney's south-west remains strong with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment predicting population growth to rise 1.7% per annum over the next decade, creating demand for an expected 33,000 additional dwellings per year.
The proposal also aligns with The Greater Sydney Commission’s Southwest District Plan, which identifies Bankstown’s town centre as a Strategic Centre to support population growth and the development of a 30-minute city, meaning people can access the nearest metropolitan, strategic or local centre using public transport and/or walking within 30 minutes, ensuring better access to jobs, housing and health care
In collaboration, Vicinity has developed a vision for Bankstown Central that seeks to provide certainty about the long-term redevelopment outcomes for the NSW Government, Canterbury Bankstown City Council and the Local Community. The proposal also aligns with The Greater Sydney Commission’s Southwest District Plan that identifies Bankstown’s town centre as a Strategic Centre to support population growth and the development of a 30-minute city.Â
Vicinity’s vision will transform Bankstown’s centre into a vibrant and activated precinct and aligns with the NSW Government’s aspirations for Bankstown as a ‘Health and Education Innovation Precinct’ under its planning framework. It also reflects Council objectives for the future of the town centre and provides direction for a vibrant retail, residential and commercial destination.
The vision will deliver beneficial outcomes for the local community in the form of new connections and open spaces for Bankstown’s CBD. One of the plan’s most significant elements is the creation of more public spaces within the precinct. The plans feature a new 5,000sqm City Park, a landscaped Urban Plaza, and a tree lined Garden Boulevard and site links to create increased walkability of the shopping centre and surrounding streets.
The first stage of the mixed-use masterplan, Bankstown Exchange, has received Development Application approved and could start construction in late 2025.
We anticipate that the further stages, that are reliant on the approval of our Planning proposal, could start construction as early as 2027 with an approximate three decade staged delivery.
The Bankstown Central Planning Proposal has been developed in consultation with Canterbury Bankstown City Council and aligns with Council’s Bankstown CBD Masterplan.
Council’s Bankstown CBD Masterplan identifies six intensification principles informing the built form, density and building height recommendations across the CBD. These intensification principles are supported by Vicinity and have been used to inform the concept masterplan supporting the Planning Proposal, ensuring it is highly consistent with the City Centre Masterplan principles as described below:
The Planning Proposal is providing approximately 10,615sqm of green public open spaces including a 5,000sqm City Park offering a variety of different spaces to support different scales of community gathering and events for a diverse range of ages and groups.
The concept masterplan intends to provide a variety of open spaces including a City Park, a playground, the Garden Boulevard and an Urban Plaza to accommodate the different public events and activities.
The open spaces are linked by the varied pedestrian connections including arcades through the retail buildings, pedestrian paths and shared ways providing improved pedestrian amenity and connectivity.
The Planning Proposal seeks a range of heights across the various precincts within the site. This means that any future height distribution across the site and articulation of individual building elements will be implemented to mitigate overshadowing impacts to the surrounding neighbourhoods and across the individual elements of the site.
A detailed solar analysis was undertaken to determine the environmental impacts of the increased building heights and to further mitigate any potential overshadowing to neighbouring properties, to maximise the sunlight hours for the public domain.
Our Traffic Engineer’s assessment of traffic generation in Bankstown (2020) estimated vehicle trip rates for new workers, residents, students and hotel guests of the proposed development. The analysis found that despite the scale of the proposed development, the increase in vehicle traffic will be minor and acceptable due to a progressive car parking provision and multiple vehicle access points.
The development will make appropriate contributions under Council’s Local Infrastructure Plan that will go towards a series of road and pedestrian improvements to accommodate development in the Bankstown CBD. Â
Both the commercial office and residential buildings will include their own car spaces for workers and residents. The precise number of spaces is to be determined and will be considered in the next phase of the design process at Development Application stage for each building.  The minimum and maximum rates for each proposed use are consistent with the rates allocated under Council’s Bankstown CBD Masterplan.
Bringing our masterplan vision to life will deliver significant economic benefits to the local economy, including:
The proposal will have positive social impacts on the local community and the wider LGA, as follows
The Bankstown Central masterplan provides greater housing choice in a region dominated by detached housing and contributes to improved housing affordability.
Vicinity sees an opportunity to provide key worker accommodation that could help support the delivery of employment generating uses on the site and across the Bankstown CBD including future infrastructure like a new hospital in the municipality, the provision of allied health services and expansion of education uses within the CBD, including Western Sydney University. The amount of Affordable Housing commitment will be worked through with the State Government as part of the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) process and will be balanced with the other community benefits being delivered as part of the masterplan.
The proposed Bankstown Central Masterplan creates a network of pedestrian routes through the precinct, contributing to improved safe access to transport and amenity for Bankstown residents, workers, students and visitors in addition to passive surveillance opportunities from the new buildings.
The proposed mix of uses will accommodate an estimated 10,340 new residents, guests and workers each day, who will spend an estimated $87 million on retail each year upon completion of the proposed development.
This additional spending would contribute to improved performance of existing retail at Bankstown Central and contribute to the overall attractiveness of Bankstown Strategic Centre as a future employment node.
If approved, the Planning Proposal could see the long-term masterplan delivered in multiple stages over the next 20-30 years, to minimise customer disruption, and centre and neighbourhood impacts. Throughout this process we will work closely with the community and our retailers to minimise the impacts.
We are committed to working closely with our retailers who may be impacted during the proposed developments to keep them informed of progress and discuss options and potential opportunities.
We are committed to working closely with our retailers and clients who may be impacted during the proposed developments to keep them informed of progress and discuss options and potential opportunities, where possible.
We will be working with our impacted retailers to explore potential opportunities either within Bankstown Central or the new mixed-use precincts.
The Planning Proposal went on Public Exhibition last year from Wednesday 26 July 2023 and closed 8 September 2023. A second Public Exhibition period for the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement occurred 15 November and closes 13 December 2023.
The masterplan has since progressed and is now being considered as part of the State Government’s Transport Oriented Development (TOD) process along with Council’s broader Bankstown CBD masterplan, with the TOD now on public exhibition from 16 July 2024 to 16 August 2024.
To find out more and to have your say go to: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/draftplans/exhibition/bankstown-tod-rezoning-proposal