We are Pleased to Announce the Winners of the Vicinity Community Grants Program

News| 29th June 2023
We are Pleased to Announce the Winners of the Vicinity Community Grants Program
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We are pleased to announce that the recipients of the inaugural Vicinity Community Grants Program have been selected, with five local not-for-profit organisations receiving support to fund initiatives within the local Bankstown Community.

The Vicinity Community Grants Program will provide financial support for local community groups to develop and deliver programs, events and initiatives aimed at developing community resilience and connectedness to enrich the experiences of our communities.

The Vicinity Community Grants program focuses on four key areas: youth engagement and youth underemployment, environmental rejuvenation, education, and community well-being.

Humanity Matters

Humanity Matters is a not-for-profit organisation that establishes accessible pathways to employment and builds communities where vulnerable disengaged young people can experience acceptance, inclusion and appreciation through active participation and mutual giving, which will be delivered through a Food Truck that outreaches into the places where these young people gather.

This project breaks the cycle of disadvantage for young people who have disconnected from mainstream education, resulting in them becoming highly marginalised with little to no access to training and sound employment pathways. Without this opportunity to pursue stable employment, these young people can resort to potentially harmful means to support themselves.

This project provides an opportunity for these young people to turn their lives around, while being respected and appreciated by the broader community of customers who purchase their food and beverages, and those that end up providing ongoing employment to these youth.

Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre

Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre’s mission statement is to Help, Direct, Develop, and Seek.

To HELP in the relief of poverty, distress and misfortune affecting residents of Canterbury Bankstown and surrounding suburbs in collaboration with other agencies.

To DIRECT those needing help to the most appropriate resource centre if assistance is beyond our own resources.

To DEVELOP a community where the principles of social justice and access and equity are practiced and where the disadvantaged are encouraged to decide their own futures and make their own choices.

To SEEK appropriate funding to address the identified needs of the community and provide suitable facilities for the Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre to function effectively.

Koorana Child & Family Services

Koorana Child & Family Services provide early intervention services to children attending their preschools, who need support but are currently unable to access therapy and specialist teachers through NDIS funding.

At Koorana, they believe that every child deserves a chance to reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances. This grant enables them to extend their services and make a positive impact on the lives of these incredible children and their families.

Their dedicated team of professionals will be providing best practice early intervention programs integrated into the children's preschool day. They want to ensure that these children receive the support they need to thrive, grow, and overcome any challenges they may face.

Recreation Sports and Aquatics Club Incorporated (RSAC)

RSAC is a community based not-for-profit organisation whose lifestyle programs provide recreational, social and sporting activities for people with disabilities in the local community. RSAC is a ‘for life’ organisation where people can move from activity to activity as their interests and circumstances change.

Serving the community since 1987, over 500 people of all ages with disabilities participate in RSAC programs on a regular basis. Up to 1200 people with disabilities will be involved in an RSAC program during a year.

Most of our members are financially disadvantaged with low incomes and limited resources.

RSAC acts as a support system for carers or people with disabilities providing activities, information and events for not only for people with disabilities, but also their families, carers and friends. Siblings are especially considered as part of RSAC.

Creating Links NSW

Creating Links NSW mission is to create a fun learning environment for all abilities that promotes choice and control in the development of personal goals and skill building, and to make sure each program is designed to develop improved living, improved support, and improved outcomes for participants and their families.

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